Careers Advice

10 Tips for De-Stressing at Work

Everyone is likely to face stress at work, no matter what your vocation is. It is important that we tackle this stress, so it doesn’t get the better of us by causing us to lose focus. Take a peek at some of the proven ways to help you de-stress at work.


We all know a nice relaxing bath at the end of the day would probably help us to relax and de-stress, but sometimes this isn't so practical at work.

These tips are proven to help calm your body and mind quickly, so you can even try them at work instead of waiting until you get home…


1. Take a long, deep breath...


  • This sounds too simple, right? Yes, it is, but it is also one of the most effective ways to de-stress at work. 

  • Taking long deep breaths increases the oxygen flow around your body which helps to relax your muscles and calm you down. 

  • All you need to do is breathe in slowly through your nose, count to five, and then slowly release the breath out through your mouth. Repeat a few times until you feel calm and relaxed. 

  • This exercise can be done almost anywhere, whether that is at your desk, behind the bar, in the kitchen, or even on public transport.

2. Make a To-Do List


  • If you’re feeling overwhelmed with the number of tasks and projects you have lined up, take a minute to sit down and write a to-do list. (You could even do this on your phone if you don’t have a pen!) 

  • When you’ve made the list, rank these in order of priority with deadline dates, so that you can clearly see what needs to be done first and how long you have to complete it.

3. Take a Walk


  • This is a great way to de-stress if your job consists of sitting or standing behind a desk all day. And even if it doesn’t, a change of scenery is always a good idea. 

  • Walking is a form of exercise, and exercise is a fantastic way to reduce anxiety and stress because it allows your brain to release endorphins, which will increase your energy levels and help you feel more positive. 

  • Also, a walk doesn’t have to be half an hour-long, just a quick five minutes around the office can help release your endorphins. Walking in a natural environment has been linked with reducing depression, so if there’s a scenic route, take it.

  • For your next meeting, why don’t you suggest that you go for a walk? It will likely be much more productive and positive than sitting in your usual meeting space.

4. Choose Tea over Coffee


  • This is probably one of the hardest solutions to de-stressing, but it is one of the most scientifically proven. (Especially for those of us that are true coffee lovers!) 

  • Coffee has a much greater level of caffeine compared to tea. Caffeine is proven to cause more anxiety and stress. It can also have negative effects on your sleeping patterns. 

  • Tea has much less caffeine, so it is a better alternative. Some herbal teas, like chamomile, are linked to reducing inflammation and have calming effects.

5. Stretch


  • This sounds obvious, right? But it is something many of us forget to do while we are caught up at work. 

  • As the day goes on, tension can build up in your body. To release this tension, lift your arms up over your head as far as they can stretch.

  • Another way to relax your muscles is to stand up and rotate your shoulders, and then neck, while slowly breathing in and out.

6. Download a Meditation App


  • Meditation is one of the oldest forms of relaxation. However, combined with technology, you can now meditate on the go! 

  • Apps such as ‘Headspace’ and ‘Calm’ provide guides on meditation and mindfulness techniques to help you relax in just a few minutes. ​

 ​7. Don’t skip on H20


  • We are all guilty of forgetting to drink enough water, especially when we are busy at work. However, drinking several glasses of water a day will immediately make you feel better. 

  • When you are even slightly dehydrated, stress can be caused due to the increase of cortisol levels in the body. One way to balance these levels is to drink more water. 

  • If you are feeling lethargic, and under the weather, you are likely to be dehydrated, so keeping on top of your water consumption is very important. 

  • Try setting yourself regular reminders on your phone so you remember to keep drinking water.

8. Talk to your Co-workers


  • Talking to your work friends can be hugely beneficial in helping you to de-stress. It always feels better to talk about something and get it off your chest. 

  • Your co-workers may help you with the problem or task that is causing your stress, by providing an alternative outsider perspective. 

  • Talking about these issues can help you release the hormone oxytocin, which is proven to minimise stress.  

9. Watch a TED Talk


  • TED Talks are a great way to get motivated. Most of them are less than ten minutes long, so on your break why don’t you give one a go?

  • There are several topics covered by TED Talks, including how to manage and deal with stress. Click here to have a look for yourself.

10. Lavender Oil


  • Lavender oil is a proven remedy for tackling stress, often used to help those who suffer from insomnia.  

  • All you need to do is pop a few drops on a tissue, then hold this to your nose and slowly breathe in and out. The calming effects will be instant.