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Random Acts of Kindness in the Workplace

Random Acts of Kindness in the Workplace

Following on from Random Acts of Kindness Day, this article will give you some inspiration in how you can perform a RAOK…

Job Profile: General Manager

Job Profile: General Manager

Ever wondered what it's like to be a manager of a pub or bar?…

Veganuary: A trend you need to be aware of...

Veganuary: A trend you need to be aware of...

It's Veganuary... are you aware of this trend and the implications it can have on your pub or restaurant?…

How to manage university, a part-time job and still have a great social life...

How to manage university, a part-time job and still have a great social life...

My name is Imy, and I’m currently a third year Business Management Student at the University of Liverpool. Believe it or…

Whether you are taking your first steps into the hospitality industry, looking to step up into management or looking for your next kitchen challenge, FindMyPubJobs.com is here to help.